S2T 1.0 — Release Notes

Jessica Littman and Marc Verhagen.
Brandeis University, August 2006.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


S2T requires Python version 2.2.3 or higher, version 2.4 is recommended.

To install, first download S2T from timeml.org. Then unzip and untar the archive (use winzip on Windows platforms):

% gunzip -c s2t-1.0.tar.gz | tar xvp

Running S2T

S2T requires a TimeML document with event, slink and alink information, as returned by Slinket. S2T assumes that noun chunks are tagged with <NG> and verb chunks with <VG> (or any tag containing VG, such as <VG_INF>).  The <EVENT> tag must be embedded in the chunk tag, and embedding the <lex> tag. In addition, S2T expects the following tags and attributes:

  1. Sentences are to be marked with <s>.
  2. Noun chunks are tagged with <NG> and verb chunks with <VG> (or any tag containing VG, such as <VG_INF>).
  3. Possessive phrases are marked with a <POS> tag.
  4. Chunk heads are marked with <HEAD> tags.
  5. Tokens are marked with <lex> tags, with "pos" as the attribute that contains a part-of-speech conform to the Penn Treebank tagset.
  6. Events are to be tagged with <EVENT>, which will present the attributes defined in TimeML: eid and class. For each event tag, there will be at least one <MAKEINSTANCE> tag, with attributes eiid, eventID, tense, aspect, and pos , and optionaly also polarity, modality, cardinality, and signalID. <EVENT> tags must be embedding the <lex> tag for the expression annotated as an event.
  7. SLINKs are to be tagged with <SLINK>, which will include at least the following attributes defined in TimeML: lid, eventInstanceID, subordinatedEventInstance, relType, and syntax.
  8. ALINKs are to be tagged with <ALINK>, which will include at least the following attributes defined in TimeML: lid, eventInstanceID, subordinatedEventInstance, relType, and syntax.
To run S2T, you need to change the current directory to s2t-1.0/Code.

Please email us at s2t@timeml.org if you have any problems installing or running S2T. Bug reports and other comments can also be sent to that address.