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Alembic Workbench User's Guide

    6.31 Example Preferences File

Below is an example of the Tag Preferences Table
Tag Type Attributes Abbreviation Foreground Background Editable? Accelerator Menu Abbrev.
FOO TYPE="BAR" foobar yellow blue Yes f (No Abbrev.)
LEX POS="NNP" "NNP" red pink Yes None (No Abbrev.)
ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON" Name blue red No n (No Abbrev.)

Below is an example .awb-prefs file in emacs tailored for part-of-speech tagging:
LEX {POS=\"NNP\"} "NNP" #000000 red 1 <Control-n>
LEX {POS=\"NNP\" *} "" red pink 0
LEX {POS=\"NNPS\"} "NNPS" red pink 0
LEX {POS=\"NN\"} "NN"
LEX * "lex"
The first line instructs the Workbench to abbreviate to NNP the tag LEX POS="NNP" and display it in black text on a pink background. The 1 means it will appear in the tag menu. The <Control-n> is a keyboard accelerator that allows the user to select this entry from the tag menu by typing the key sequence Control-n.

The second line says that any tag with LEX POS="NNP" and any additional attributes should be displayed in red and pink, but without an abbreviation (so the full names of the attributes will appear in the tag menu and line). This line would also display those generic identifiers with only one attribute. Important: Because a wildcard (the asterisk) is being specified, the zero instructs the Workbench to exclude this entry from the tag menu.

The third line says that LEX POS="NNPS" should have the abbreviation NNPS and be displayed in red on pink.

The next 2 lines say that LEX POS="NN" or LEX POS="NNS" should have the abbreviations NN and NNS, respectively. Because no colors were designated, they will not be highlighted in the text.

The next line says that any other LEX tag should have the abbreviation "lex" and should not be highlighted in the text.

Below is an .awb-prefs file in emacs tailored to the Named Entity task:
ENAMEX {TYPE=PERSON} "Name" blue lightskyblue 1 <Meta-n>
ENAMEX {TYPE=ORGANIZATION} "Org" green yellow 1 <Meta-o>
ENAMEX {TYPE=LOCATION} "Loc" Magenta VioletRed 1 <Meta-l>
TIMEX {TYPE=DATE} "" red pink 1 <Meta-d>
TIMEX {TYPE=TIME} "" red pink 1 <Meta-t>
NUMEX {TYPE=PERCENT} "percent" #3399bb #44bbcc  1 <Meta-p>
NUMEX {TYPE=MONEY} "money" #999999 #cccccc 1 <Meta-m>
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