The purpose of S2T is to create new TLINKs from previously annotated SLINKs. Often, there are temporal relationships between the participants of SLINKs that are not captured by the human annotator. These relationships are thought to be a given when the SLINK is created, but S2T actually generates the appropriate TLINK. Of the six SLINK relation types, only factive, evidential, and modal links are eligible for TLINK creation. S2T uses several rules to create the TLINKs based on tense and aspect information of the participating event instances. In some cases, information provided by Slinket, the module responsible for generating SLINKs in the TARSQI project, also helps in the creation of TLINKs by providing information on the syntax pattern used to create the SLINK. The required input for S2T is a TimeML annotated document with SLINKs. In order to make use of syntax rules, the SLINKs must be created by Slinket.

S2T annotation follows version 1.2.1 of the TimeML specifications. An example of S2T output is shown below, the added TLINK is in bold type.

The Soviet Union <EVENT eid="e12" class="REPORTING">said</EVENT>
today it had <EVENT eid="e13" class="OCCURRENCE">sent</EVENT>
an envoy to the Middle East.

<MAKEINSTANCE eventID="e12" eiid="ei12" tense="PAST" aspect="NONE" pos="VERB"/>
<MAKEINSTANCE eventID="e13" eiid="ei13" tense="PAST" aspect="PERFECTIVE" pos="VERB"/>

<SLINK lid="l2" relType="EVIDENTIAL" eventInstanceID="ei12" subordinatedEventInstance="ei13" syntax="thatClause_NOT_that"/>

<TLINK lid="l1" relatedToEventInstance="ei13" relType="AFTER" eventInstanceID="ei12" origin="STLINKLINK"/>

The input to S2T is a TimeML file with <EVENT> and <SLINK> tags.