Temporal Awareness
and Reasoning Systems
for Question Interpretation
Prime Contractor Brandeis University (PI: James Pustejovsky)
Sub-Contractor 1 GeorgeTown University (PI: Inderjeet Mani)
Sub-Contractor 2 ISI (PI: Jerry Hobbs)
Motivation and Aims
This research builds on two previous ARDA-funded workshops,
both devoted to temporal and event recognition for question answering systems
2003). These workshops created the infrastructure for temporal reasoning, by
establishing a rich specification language called TimeML for representing events,
temporal expressions, and the relations between them, and creating a gold standard
called TIMEBANK1.1, for testing algorithms such as those being proposed in
this application.
The TARSQI Project will allow AQUAINT developers and analysts to sort and organize
information in NL texts based on their temporal characteristics. Specifically,
we will develop algorithms that tag mentions of events in NL texts, tag time
expressions and normalize them, and temporally anchor and order the events.
We will also develop temporal reasoning algorithms that operate on the resulting
event-time graphs for each document. These temporal reasoning algorithms will
include a graph query capability, that will, for example, find when a particular
event occurs, or which events occur in a time period. They will also include
a temporal closure algorithm that will allow more complete coverage of queries
(by using the transitivity of temporal precedence and inclusion relationships
to insert additional links into the graph), and a timelining algorithm that
provides chronological views at various granularities of an event graph as
a whole or a region of it. We will also develop a capability to compare event
graphs across documents. Finally, we will develop a model of the typical durations
of various kinds of events.
- Develop technology for annotating temporal information in natural
language text, extracting temporal information from text, and reasoning about
temporal information
- Make technology available for use in improved question-answering
in AQUAINT, as well as for embedding in analyst toolkits
- Integrate tools with AQUAINT testbed