Publications |
PublicationsGeneralInderjeet Mani and James Pustejovsky. 2004. Temporal Discourse Models for Narrative Structure. ACL 2004 Workshop on Discourse Annotation James Pustejovsky, José Castaño, Robert Ingria, Roser Saurí, Robert Gaizauskas, Andrea Setzer and Graham Katz. 2003. TimeML: Robust Specification of Event and Temporal Expressions in Text. IWCS-5, Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics. James Pustejovsky and Rob Gaizauskas (editors) Forthcoming. Reasoning about Time and Events. John Benjamins Publishers. James Pustejovsky, Robert Knippen, Jessica Littman and Roser Saurí. Forthcoming. Temporal and Event Information in Natural language Text. Language Resources and Evaluation. James Pustejovsky, Roser Saurí, José Castaño, Dragomir Radev, Robert Gaizauskas, Andrea Setzer, Beth Sundheim and Graham Katz. 2004. Representing Temporal and Event Knowledge for QA Systems. Mark T. Maybury (ed.) New Directions in Question Answering. MIT Press, Cambridge. James Pustejovsky and Janyce Wiebe. 2005. Introduction to Special Issue of Advances in Question Answering. Language Resources and Evalueation. Roser Saurí and Marc Verhagen. 2005. Temporal Information in Intensional Contexts. Bunt, H., J. Geertzen and E. Thijse (eds.) IWCS-6. Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics: 404-406. Marc Verhagen. 2004. Times Between the Lines. Ph.D. thesis. Brandeis University. Waltham, MA, USA. Marc Verhagen. 2005. Temporal Closure in an Annotation Environment. Language Resources and Evaluation.
Event and Time TaggingRoser Saurí, Robert Knippen, Marc Verhagen and James Pustejovsky. 2005. Evita: A Robust Event Recognizer for QA Systems. Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005: 700-707. Inderjeet Mani. 2005. Time Expression Tagger and Normalizer. http://complingone.georgetown.edu/linguist/GU_TIME DOWNLOAD.HTML Event Anchoring and OrderingInderjeet Mani and Barry Schiffman. Forthcoming. ’Temporally Anchoring and Ordering Events in News’. James Pustejovsky and Robert Gaizauskas (eds.) Event Recognition in Natural Language. John Benjamins. Inderjeet Mani; Marc Verhagen; Ben Wellner; Chong
Min Lee and James Pustejovsky. 2006. Inderjeet Mani, Ben Wellner, Marc Verhagen and James Pustejovsky. 2007. Three Approaches to Learning TLINKs in TimeML. Technical Report CS-07-268. Computer Science Department, Brandeis University. Waltham, USA. TimeBankJames Pustejovsky, Patrick Hanks, Roser Saurí, Andrew See, Robert Gaizauskas, Andrea Setzer, Dragomir Radev, Beth Sundheim, David Day, Lisa Ferro and Marcia Lazo. 2003. The TIMEBANK Corpus. Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2003: 647-656. Annotation and Annotation ToolsMarc Verhagen, Inderjeet Mani, Roser Saurí, Robert Knippen, Jess Littman and James Pustejovsky. 2005. Automating Temporal Annotation with TARSQI. Demo Session. Proceedings of the ACL 2005. James Pustejovsky, Martha Palmer and Adam Meyers. 2005. Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotation II. Pie in the Sky. ACL 2005. Marc Verhagen. 2005. Drawing TimeML Relations with T-BOX. Marc Verhagen and Robert Knippen. Forthcoming. TANGO: A Graphical Annotation Environment for Ordering Relations. James Pustejovsky and Robert Gaizauskas (eds.) Time and Event Recognition in Natural Language. John Benjamin Publications.